List of all villages in Medziphema Circle, Dimapur District, Nagaland, India.
Villages in Medziphema Circle
Sl No | Village Name | Village Code |
1 | Bungsang | 267770 |
2 | Hekheshe | 267776 |
3 | Khaibung | 267773 |
4 | Khamkaria | 267763 |
5 | Khanakhuru | 267764 |
6 | Khuokhidolong | 267760 |
7 | Medziphema | 267761 |
8 | Medziphema (TC) | 801459 |
9 | Moava | 267774 |
10 | Molvom | 267769 |
11 | New Chumukedima | 267759 |
12 | Pherima | 267762 |
13 | Pherima Vill. | 267758 |
14 | Piphema 'A' | 267765 |
15 | Piphema (New) | 267767 |
16 | Piphema (Old) | 267766 |
17 | Ruzaphema | 267771 |
18 | Seirhima | 267768 |
19 | Socunoma | 267772 |
20 | Tsiepama | 267757 |
21 | Tsuuma | 267777 |
22 | Zhuikhu 'A' | 267775 |
Census of India Circle-code for Medziphema: 01799. View Circle map of Nagaland.